The Boxscore Geeks Show

We're back we talk:

  • The NBA Finals and how Giannis Antetokounmpo's Finals MVP performance ranks, as well as his Chik-fil-A endorsement attempt.
  • A teaser of a talk with Dave Berri and our two cents on the NBA Draft. Namely, if you're worried about how the NBA Draft impacts your team next season, you've already lost.
  • Simone Biles and how athletes playing through injuries is weird and annoyingly applauded, e.g. James Harden this year.
  • The Ben Simmons' trade rumors and why they make no sense (for the 76ers to bite on)
  • Why Brad Beal is a horrible target for the Warriors
  • Why the New Orleans Pelicans won the first major offseason trade in acquiring Jonas Valanciunus.
  • Shoutout to LassoCon 2020!


Direct download: bsg-291.mp3
Category:NBA -- posted at: 2:46pm EST