The Boxscore Geeks Show

We're happy to have special guest Dr. Jonathan Weiler, who is a professor of global studies at UNC-Chapel Hill. He's also co-author of the amazing book "Prius or Pickup?: How the Answers to Four Simple Questions Explain America's Great Divide", and co-host of the great "Agony of Defeat" podcast. As the playoffs loom we talk ... politics. At least one thing from 4/15 made Brian, our Warriors fan, happy.

1. We talk Jonathan's book "Prius or Pickup", particularly how it relates to the US, politics, and racism. Don't worry, we sprinkle in a little sports ala Donovan Mitchell hate.

2. We couldn't avoid at least touching on the NCAA scandals, namely the Felicity Huffman/Lori Loughlin pay to play admissions one, as well as Zion Williamson's injury. Jonathan is actually less optimistic than us that anything changes.

3. We talk the Knicks and if there's room for optimism. Certainly, if the draft Zion, get Durant and Irving there will be.

4. We talk a little about the baseball Hall of Fame. Dre confuses Pedro Martinez and David Ortiz ... enjoy!

You'll have to wait to the end to see why Ed Davis is in the title!

Direct download: bsg-239.mp3
Category:NBA -- posted at: 9:24am EST