The Boxscore Geeks Show

We play our regular game: Analytics Pickup where we each provide a set of answers to a question and then draft the top six.

Today's question: "What are the biggest almost events in NBA history that would have had huge ramifications."

We always start out with an example, which, this week, also won the game. Spoilers below on the winning entries, so don't scroll down if you don't want them ruined. And tune in for the other answers as well as some that didn't make the cut!



1. Steve Ballmer buys the Sonics and keeps the in Seattle.

2. The NBA copies the ABA and allows underclassmen and high schoolers straight into the NBA in the 60s.

3. Michael Jordan doesn't retire in 1993.

4. The Orlando Magic roll "lucky 7s" in the Summer of 2000 and get a healthy Grant Hill, Tracy McGrady, Tim Duncan, and maybe even Ben Wallace on their squad.

5. The ABA successfully signs Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to the New York Nets.

6. The Philadelphia 76ers keep Sam Hinkie after the Ben Simmons draft.

Direct download: bsg-281.mp3
Category:NBA -- posted at: 2:28pm EST